Osteoinductive implants: The Mise-en-scene for drug-bearing biomimetic coatings

Y. Liu, K. de Groot, E.B. Hunziker

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    In orthopaedic and dental implantology, novel tools and techniques are being sought to improve the regeneration of bone tissue. Numerous attempts have been made to enhance the osteoconductivity of titanium prostheses, including modifications in their surface properties and coating with layers of calcium phosphate. The technique whereby such layers are produced has recently undergone a revolutionary change, which has had profound consequences for their potential to serve as drug-carrier systems. Hitherto, calcium phosphate layers were deposited upon the surfaces of metal implants under highly unphysiological physical conditions, which precluded the incorporation of proteinaceous osteoinductive drugs. These agents could only be adsorbed, superficially, upon preformed layers. Such superficially adsorbed molecules are released too rapidly within a biological milieu to be effective in their osteoinductive capacity. Now, it is possible to deposit calcium phosphate layers under physiological conditions of temperature and pH by the so-called biomimetic process, during which bioactive agents can be coprecipitated. Since these molecules are integrated into the inorganic latticework, they are released gradually in vivo as the layer undergoes degradation. This feature enhances the capacity of these coatings to act as a carrier system for osteogenic agents.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)398-406
    JournalAnnals of biomedical engineering
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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