Pattern transfer fidelity in capillary force lithography with poly(ferrocenylsilane) plasma etch resists

I. Korczagin, Hong Xu, Mark A. Hempenius, Gyula J. Vancso

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The influence of processing conditions and polymer architecture on pattern transfer in capillary force lithography (CFL) using poly(ferrocenylsilane) etch resists is investigated. Zero-shear-rate viscosities measured at different temperatures and for polymers with different molar masses are related to the quality of CFL patterns, assessed based on atomic force microscopy experiments. An optimal range of viscosities corresponding to appropriate molar masses and processing temperatures is established. In this range, polymers possess enough mobility allowing for reasonably quick surface pattern formation. Yet, the polymers are not too mobile and preserve their shape when quenched to below Tg prior to serving as etch resist masks.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)2523-2528
Number of pages6
JournalEuropean polymer journal
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • Organometallic polymers
  • Molecular parameters
  • IR-79091
  • Pattern formation
  • METIS-249532
  • Viscosity

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