Patterns of cognitive self-regulation of adolescent struggling writers

Ilona de Milliano, Amos van Gelderen, P.J.C. Sleegers

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This study examines the relationship between patterns of cognitive selfregulatory activities and the quality of texts produced by adolescent struggling writers (N = 51). A think-aloud study was conducted involving analyses of self-regulatory activities concerning planning, formulating, monitoring, revising, and evaluating. The study shows that the writing processes of adolescent struggling writers have much in common with “knowledge telling” as defined by Bereiter and Scardamalia (1987). Nevertheless, there are interesting differences among the individual patterns. First, it appears that adolescent struggling writers who put more effort in planning and formulation succeed in writing better texts than do their peers. Furthermore, selfregulation of these better-achieving writers is quite varied in comparison to the others. Therefore, it seems that within this group of struggling writers, self-regulation does make a difference for the quality of texts produced. Consequently, some recommendations can be made for the stimulation of diverse self-regulatory activities in writing education for this special group of students.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)303-325
Number of pages23
JournalWritten communication
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • METIS-294209
  • IR-89001


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