Pendant breast immobilization and positioning in photoacoustic tomographic imaging

Sjoukje M. Schoustra*, Tim J.P.M. op 't Root, Rutger P. Pompe van Meerdervoort, Laurens Alink, Wiendelt Steenbergen, Srirang Manohar

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)
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This work describes the design, development and added value of breast-supporting cups to immobilize and position the pendant breast in photoacoustic tomographic imaging. We explain the considerations behind the choice of the material, the shape and sizes of a cup-shaped construct for supporting the breast in water in an imaging tank during full-breast imaging. We provide details of the fabrication, and other processing and testing procedures used. Various experiments were conducted to demonstrate the added value of using these cups. We show that breast movement during a measurement time of four minutes is reduced from maximum 2 mm to 0.1 mm by the use of cups. Further, the presence of the cup, centered in the aperture leading to the imaging tank, ensures that the breast can be reproducibly positioned at the center of the field-of-view of the detection aperture in the tank. Finally, since an accurate delineation of the water-tissue boundary can now be made, the use of the cup enables accurate application of a two-speed of sound model for reconstruction. All in all, we demonstrate that the use of cups to support the breast provides clear enhancement in contrast and resolution of breast images in photoacoustic imaging.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100238
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2021


  • Breast cancer
  • Breast imaging
  • Breast immobilization
  • Breast support
  • Optoacoustics
  • Photoacoustics
  • Tomography


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