Penetration model for gas absorption with reaction in a slurry containing fine insoluble particles

R.D. Holsvoogd, K.J. Ptasinski, Willibrordus Petrus Maria van Swaaij

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A pseudo-homogeneous penetration model describing the mass transfer of a gas to a slurry containing non-soluble reacting or adsorbing particles is presented. This numerical model takes into account the finite reaction/adsorption capacity of the particles. The consequences of this finite capacity on the enhanced absorption are demonstrated for the absorption of hydrogen in metal hydride slurries. Experimental enhancement factors for this system are evaluated and compared to the model predictions. A critical Hatta number has been derived above which saturation of the solid occurs resulting in decreased enhancement factors. The mass transfer of a gas into a slurry with adsorbing particles is a similar problem. For the regime of mass transfer limitation tot the particles with a linear adsorption isotherm the enhanced adsorption is discussed.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)867-873
JournalChemical engineering science
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1986


  • fine insoluble particles
  • slurry
  • limited adsorption capacity of particles
  • Gas absorption enhancement
  • IR-69747
  • penetration model

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