Performance Assessment of Multi-GNSS Precise Velocity and Acceleration Determination over Antarctica

Min Li, Karl-hans Neumayer, Frank Flechtner, Biao Lu, Christoph Förste, Kaifei He, Tianhe Xu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


A conventional Differential GPS (DGPS) techniques-based velocity and acceleration method (named here as ‘DVA’) may be difficult to implement in the Antarctic as there is a sparse distribution of reference stations over Antarctica. Thus, in order to overcome the baseline limitations and to obtain highly accurate and reliable velocity and acceleration estimates for airborne gravimetry, a network-based velocity and acceleration determination approach (named here as ‘NVA’), which introduces a wide network of stations and is independent of precise clock information, is applied. Here its performance for velocity and acceleration determination is fully exploited by using Global Positioning System (GPS), GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou observations. Additionally, a standalone receiver-based method named ‘SVA’, which requires precise clock information, is also implemented for comparison. During static tests and a flight experiment over Antarctica, it was found that the NVA method yields more robust results than the SVA and DVA methods when applied to a wide area network. Moreover, the addition of GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou systems can increase the accuracy of velocity and acceleration estimates by 39% and 43% with NVA compared to a GPS-only solution.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-18
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of navigation
Issue number1
Early online date26 Sept 2018
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019
Externally publishedYes


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