Personeelsmanagement in China: een snelle transformatie van staatsgereguleerde personeelszorg naar modern HRM?

Sirp de Boer, Jan C. Looise, Dick Plomp

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    Personnel management in China: a rapid transformation from government controlled personnel care to modern HRM?China is one of few countries in the world that has been maintaining high economic growth rates even in current times economic decline. This has not gone unnoticed to Dutch business, whose investments in China have been growing in recent years. When establishing operations in China one of the questions to be addressed concerns personnel management. How to mould personnel management in the specific Chinese context?This article is based on a research project of 27 Industrial Engineering & Management students and two supervisors. The project's core question was: how should effective personnel management in China be carried out in view of China's current stage of development? The group's preparatory activities included desk studies on the macro context (political, legal, et cetera) and selected industrial sectors. Next, the subject was divided into six themes, and each subgroup prepared a detailed case study protocol for its theme. In the first three weeks of December 2002 a study tour took place, the core of which were visits to a total of nine companies in Beijing, Shangai and Hong Kong.After the introduction, the article first describes the context of Chinese personnel management. The next section describes the companies visited as well as the methodology. One main methodological component is a stage model of personnel management: stage one is a model of government related personnel care, stage two can be typified as traditional personnel management, while stage three is the modern HRM model. The following section presents the results for each of the six themes investigated and a characterisation of the company's personnel management related to the stage model. The conclusions emphasize that China has made rapid changes in many areas including personnel management. Personnel management, despite a wide range in types and contexts, is moving towards the Western pattern, in particular in the economic hot spots.***China is één van de weinige landen ter wereld waar het ook in deze jaren van economische teruggang nog steeds zeer voorspoedig gaat. Dat is ook het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven niet ontgaan. Het gevolg is een groeiend aantal investeringen van Nederlandse bedrijven in China. Eén van de vragen waar bedrijven mee zitten als ze besluiten zich in China te vestigen, is die van het personeelsmanagement. Hoe kan en moet het personeelsmanagement worden vormgegeven in de specifieke Chinese context? Wat is de rol van de (nog steeds communistische) overheid bij dit personeelsmanagement en welke ruimte hebben bedrijven voor het voeren van een eigen beleid? Is er in China nog sprake van personeelszorg, zoals dat lang geleden ook in ons land voorkwam, of komen ook meer moderne vormen van personeelsmanagement voor, zoals HRM? En zo ja, in welke sectoren en bedrijven wel en welke niet? In deze bijdrage wordt geprobeerd op deze vragen een antwoord te geven.
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)65-88
    Number of pages24
    JournalTijdschrift voor HRM
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2003

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