Perspectives on teacher training related to information technology in Central and Eastern European countries

Ivan Stanchev, Roumen Nikolov, Iliana Nikolova

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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    Mass-scale teaching about different aspects of Information Technologies (IT) has been a reality for nearly cz decade now for school systems in almost all Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. These countries are in a period of transition towards a free market economy and a process of decentralisation is on the way in all spheres of social life including education. The CEE countries currently face similar problems, e.g. a deep economic crisis, turbulent political life, rising percentages of unemployment, low living standards, and as a consequence - shortage of funds for educational purposes. This paper analyses the experiences in IT in Education in the CEE countries so far. It is mostly based on the Bulgarian case though available data for other CEE countries are also provided. Special attention is paid to teacher training as a key problem for successful integration of IT in education. Some perspectives on teacher training as related to IT are considered on the basis of the current trends in the development of the CEE countries.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInformation technologies in teacher education
    Subtitle of host publicationIssues and experiences for countries in transition: Proceedings of a European Workshop, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, February 20-23, 1994
    EditorsBetty Collis, Iliana Nikolova, Katerina Martcheva
    Place of PublicationParis
    PublisherUNESCO Publishing
    ISBN (Print)92-3-103072-8
    Publication statusPublished - 1995
    EventEuropean Workshop on Information Technologies in Teacher Education 1994
    - University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
    Duration: 20 Feb 199423 Feb 1994

    Publication series

    NameThe Teacher's Library
    PublisherUNESCO Publishing


    WorkshopEuropean Workshop on Information Technologies in Teacher Education 1994


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