Pertinent Strategy Issues in Scientific Information and Communication in 2004

Hans E. Roosendaal, Petrus A.T.M. Geurts, E.R. Hilf

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


    In this article we will discuss some broader developments in the field of scientific information with the aim to determine and analyse some of the pertinent strategic issues that the stakeholders will face at present time. The stakeholders in the value chain of scientific information are: the user as author, reader and reviewer; the institution with which these users are affiliated; the publisher and the library as the main intermediaries; and other intermediaries such as subscription agents, providers and so on. We will look at these strategic issues from different stakeholder perspectives and we will attempt to make a comparison of these perspectives under the premise that these issues are relevant to further developments in library science.
    Original languageUndefined
    Title of host publicationBibliothekswissenschaft - quo vadis? / Library Science - quo vadis?
    EditorsP. Hauke
    Place of PublicationMünchen
    PublisherK.G. Saur Verlag
    Number of pages480
    ISBN (Print)3-598-11734-5
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • METIS-224478

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