Physical parameter estimation in spatial heat transport models with an application to food storage

S. van Mourik, Dirk Vries, Johan P. M. Ploegaert, Heiko J. Zwart, Karel J. Keesman

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    Parameter estimation plays an important role in physical modelling, but can be problematic due to the complexity of spatiotemporal models that are used for analysis, control and design in industry. In this paper we aim to circumvent these problems by using a methodology that approximates a model, or a part of a model, by a first-order plus dead time (FOPDT) approximation, explicit in the physical parameters. The FOPDT model with its physical parameters can be calibrated and validated to experimental data via an Output Error identification. The methodology is illustrated by a model of a temperature-controlled food storage room using experimental data. The complex part of the model is reduced to an accurate first-order model that has predictive power with respect to physical parameter variations. Moreover, this methodology allows one to test model adjustments for phenomena that were not considered in the physical model, in a relatively easy way.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)14-21
    Number of pages8
    JournalBiosystems engineering
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - May 2012


    • EWI-22267
    • IR-81506
    • METIS-296089
    • MSC-93B30

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