Pipeline Intrusion Avoidance Solutions: Report 1: Milestone 3. Report on technological and behavioural aspects

Kai Chen Goh, Léon Luc olde Scholtenhuis, Nader Naderpajouh, Jan Hayes

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


This interim report is the first written update from FFCRC Project RP2.4-01, which aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) for the selection of Pipeline Intrusion Avoidance Solutions. The targeted use of the DSS is during safety management study (SMS) reviews where new technologies may be proposed as a complementary measure to increase pipeline safety. This report contains the knowledge base for the development of this DSS and comprises the following parts: an updated review of pipeline intrusion avoidance systems, a mapping between functionalities of those systems and their role in incident avoidance during excavation processes; an identification of factors that may influence the adoption of safety technology; and, an assessment of the potential effectiveness of technologies in historical case incidents.
Original languageEnglish
Commissioning bodyFuture Fuels CRC
Number of pages34
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2020


  • pipeline safety
  • intrusion avoidance
  • technologies
  • Decision support systems


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