Plasticity and fracture modeling of three-layer steel composite Tribond® 1200 for crash simulation

Tom Eller, Kenny Ramaker, Lars Greve, M.T. Andres, Javad Hazrati Marangalou, Antonius H. van den Boogaard

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    A constitutive model is presented for the three-layer steel composite Tribond® 1200. Tribond® is a hot forming steel which consists of three layers: a high strength steel core between two outer layers of ductile low strength steel. The model is designed to provide an accurate prediction of the deformation behavior of the material up to the point of fracture. Moreover, it includes a fracture prediction criterion that accounts for the complex loading paths experienced by the material in the event of a crash. For calibration of the material model, experiments are performed both with core layer only and with full Tribond® specimens. Separate plasticity and fracture models are calibrated based on these experiments. The transition zone between the layers is modeled by interpolating between the calibrated models. The strain hardening models are calibrated using an inverse FEM optimization routine, that takes into account measured force–displacement curves and strain fields. The fracture behavior is represented by a stress triaxiality and Lode angle dependent, strain-based fracture criterion. Five different fracture tests are used to obtain data at different stress states: notched and central-hole tensile tests, a shear test, a bulge test and a bending test. The model is validated with a bending-dominated L-section compression test.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    Event36th International Deep Drawing Research Group Conference, IDDRG 2017 - Leonardo Hotel Royal Munich, Munich, Germany
    Duration: 2 Jul 20176 Jul 2017
    Conference number: 36


    Conference36th International Deep Drawing Research Group Conference, IDDRG 2017
    Abbreviated titleIDDRG 2017
    Internet address


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