Polyether based segmented copolymers with uniform aramid units

M.C.E.J. Niesten

Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT

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Segmented copolymers with short, glassy or crystalline hard segments and long, amorphous soft segments (multi-block copolymers) are thermoplastic elastomers (TPE’s). The hard segments form physical crosslinks for the amorphous (rubbery) soft segments. As a result, this type of materials combines elastomeric behavior with melt processability. Typical examples are the copolyetheresters based on poly(butylene terephthalate) and poly(tetramethyleneoxide) (PBT-PTMO, TPE-E) and the thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPE-U). The design and synthesis of copolyetheresteramides with uniform crystallizable bisesterdiamides as the hard segment is a new development. Bisesterdiamides of uniform length crystallize over their full length, resulting in fast and nearly complete crystallization. Consequently, the phase separation is good, leading to a polymer with a low glass transition temperature, a high melting temperature and a temperature independent rubbery plateau. The aim of the research described in this thesis is to study the synthesis and structure-property relations of segmented copolyetheresteramides with uniform, crystallizable bisesterdiamides based on p-phenylenediamine, dimethyl terephthalate (TΦT) and poly(tetramethyleneoxide) (PTMO). Compared to the already existing TPE-E’s and TPE-U’s, TΦT containing segmented copolymers might have improved properties such as a higher heat stability, a wider service temperature range, an improved low temperature flexibility and a faster crystallization.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • University of Twente
  • Feijen, J., Supervisor
  • Gaymans, R.J., Advisor
Award date30 Jun 2000
Place of PublicationEnschede
Print ISBNs9036511441
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2000


  • IR-9129
  • METIS-105078


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