Polymer colloidal crystals : synthesis and template-assisted fabrication with controlled structure and orientation

N. Dziomkina

Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT

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A brief introduction to the topics that are relevant for this thesis is presented, Attention was given to various colloidal crystallization methods, such as colloidal crystallization on flat, chemically and lithographically modified substrates as well as under applied external fields. Special emphasis was placed on reviewing the current status in the area of colloidal crystallization on topologically patterned substrates.
Original languageUndefined
Awarding Institution
  • University of Twente
  • Vancso, G.J., Supervisor
  • Hempenius, Mark A., Supervisor
Award date6 Apr 2006
Place of PublicationEnschede
Print ISBNs9789036523356
Publication statusPublished - 6 Apr 2006


  • IR-55827

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