Port controlled Hamiltonian representation of distributed parameter systems

B.M. Maschke, Arjan van der Schaft

    Research output: Book/ReportReportOther research output

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    A port controlled Hamiltonian formulation of the dynamics of distributed parameter systems is presented, which incorporates the energy flow through the boundary of the domain of the system, and which allows to represent the system as a boundary control Hamiltonian system. This port controlled Hamiltonian system is defined with respect to a Dirac structure associated with the exterior derivative and based on Stokes' theorem. The definition is illustrated on the examples of the telegrapher's equations, Maxwell's equations and the vibrating string.
    Original languageUndefined
    Place of PublicationEnschede
    PublisherUniversity of Twente
    Publication statusPublished - 2000

    Publication series

    NameMemorandum / Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
    PublisherDepartment of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente
    ISSN (Print)0169-2690


    • EWI-3330
    • IR-65698
    • MSC-35B37
    • MSC-93C20
    • MSC-70H05
    • MSC-58C20

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