Positive futures for Mediterranean wetlands biodiversity and ecosystem services

Ilse Geijzendorffer, Özge Balkiz, E.G. Drakou, Lena Hatziiordanou, Flavio Monti, Chris McOwen, Alejandra Morán-Ordóñez, Nigel Taylor

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To change the current negative trend of biodiversity and related ecosystem services, the actors that are capable of changing either policies or daily management of ecosystems or protected areas need to know what their biggest challenges are and how what the impact could be of changes in their current approaches. However, information on what possible futures might bring under the impact of global change and different policy and management measures is a generally recognized knowledge gap. Wetlands only occupy 9% of the land globally, but they provide proportionally significantly more ecosystem services, which are also of high importance (e.g. water provision, regulation of hazards). Especially in regions such as the Mediterranean Basin where wetland extent is decreasing while the human population is increasing, the importance of wetlands for ecosystem services and biodiversity is increasingly disproportionate. Meanwhile, ongoing social and political instability in the region means progress towards Sustainable Development Goals is not a trivial challenge. Information on how policy and management measures could improve the outlook for Mediterranean wetlands biodiversity and ecosystem services is however lacking.This study uses a systematic literature review to identify the pathways, conditions and criteria for positive developments of Mediterranean wetlands under the current global change context. The study is undertaken by the Scientific and Technical Network of MedWet. MedWet is a Mediterranean initiative of 27 Mediterranean countries that have signed the Ramsar convention on the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands.The information from this study is used to develop specific recommendations towards positive futures (e.g. water security, safe coasts). These recommendations are not primarily directed to global platforms, but rather to national governments, NGOs and local citizens’ organizations. These parties are most directly concerned with the benefits from a sustainable development path and the safeguarding of related ecosystem services and biodiversity.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventESP Europe. Ecosystem Services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice - San Sebastian, Spain
Duration: 15 Oct 201819 Oct 2018


ConferenceESP Europe. Ecosystem Services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice
CitySan Sebastian
Internet address


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