Preparation and some properties of nylon-4,2

R.J. Gaymans, V.S. Venkataram, J. Schuijer

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An attempt was made to produce a new short-chain alphatic polyamide nylon-4,2. This polyoxamide can be prepared by polycondensation of tetramethylene diamine and diethyl oxalate. A high molecular weight polymer (ηinh = 1.9 from 0.5% solutions in 96% sulphuric acid) has been obtained by employing a two-step polycondensation method; the precondensation was carried out in solution at low temperatures (20-140°C) and the postcondensation in the solid state at high temperatures (250-300°C). The effect of solvent composition and reaction temperature on the prepolymerization and the effect of reaction time and temperature on the postcondensation was studied. We also investigated the influence of moisture during washing, storing, and the solid-state reaction on the polymerizability by the postcondensation. Nylon-4,2 is soluble only in highly polar solvents such as trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), dichloroacetic acid, and 96% sulphuric acid. Films were cast from TFA. With these films we studied the IR spectrum, WAXS pattern, water absorption, and melting behavior. Nylon-4,2 was found to melt at 388-392°C, has a crystallinity of 70%, and a low water absorption (3.1% at 50% RH). The glass transition temperature of the dry sample was found to be at ~120°C and for the wet sample at -15°C.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)1373-1382
JournalJournal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry Edition
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1984


  • IR-70783

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