Presenting domain information or self-exploration to foster hypothesis generation in simulation-based inquiry learning

Xiulin Kuang*, Tessa H.S. Eysink, Ton de Jong

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This study investigated the effects of presenting domain information (basic information about the domain) either together with or instead of offering exploratory practice (an exploratory opportunity in a simulation-based representation of the learning domain) prior to inquiry learning for facilitating students' hypothesis generation and subsequent inquiry processes and their knowledge acquisition. Secondary school students (n = 118) completed a simulation-based inquiry task on force and motion. They were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: the D + E condition (n = 29), in which domain information and exploratory practice were available; the D condition (n = 30), in which only domain information was available; the E condition (n = 32), in which only exploratory practice was available; or the C condition (n = 27), with no support at all. Students' knowledge was measured with a pre- and posttest and a test on knowledge of variables. Inquiry processes were inferred from information students entered in a Hypothesis Scratchpad and an Observation tool, and from a final summary that they had to write. Results indicated that providing students with domain information alone helps to foster their knowledge of variables before generating hypotheses and leads to knowledge acquisition. The results also showed that the opportunity to explore before experimenting does not affect students' inquiry behavior or learning performance, even when combined with providing students with domain information.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)70-102
Number of pages33
JournalJournal of research in science teaching
Issue number1
Early online date15 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2024


  • domain information
  • exploratory learning
  • hypothesis generation
  • inquiry learning
  • UT-Hybrid-D


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