The invention relates to a process for producing allyl alcohol, the process comprising: dehydrating a C3-oxygenate domprising monopropylene gycol or 1,3-propanediol; wherein the dehydration is performed in the presence of a basic catalyst. The C3-oxygenate may be dreived from a biomass conversion process and subsequently converted to acrylic acid.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO 2018/059745 A1 |
IPC | (2006.01) C07C 29/60 - A07C 29/80 - C07C 33/03 - C07C 51/25 - C07C 57/04,PCT/EP2017/060108 |
Priority date | 27/09/16 |
Filing date | 27/04/17 |
Publication status | Published - 5 Apr 2018 |
- Allyl alcohol
- Alcohol
- Dehydration
- C3-oxygenat
- Oxygenation
- Catalyst
- Biomass pyrolysis
- acrylic acid