Promotion of self-management in friendship

C.M.S. Martina, N.L. Stevens, Gerben Johan Westerhof

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This study examines changes in self management abilities among women in a friendship enrichment programme. The study is based on the theory of self management of well-being which identifies relevant self-management skills as self-efficacy, taking initiative, investment behaviour and attaining variety in resources. An intervention group (N  =  60) and a control group (N = 55) were studied at a baseline, three months and nine months later. Results indicate that the programme is effective in stimulating two of the four self-management abilities. Compared to the control group, participants in the intervention showed greater increases in initiative taking and more investment behaviour in friendship. There was no change in self-efficacy or variety in friendship. We conclude that older adult women are able to improve some self-management abilities in friendship after participating in this programme. Important goals for future studies are to improve the measurement of self-efficacy and relate improvement in self-management to subjective well-being
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)245-253
JournalAging & mental health
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • METIS-295971
  • IR-86410


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