Proximity Effect in a Superconducting Triplet Spin Valve S1/F1/S2/F2

R. R. Gaifullin*, V. N. Kushnir, R. G. Deminov, L. R. Tagirov, M. Yu Kupriyanov, A. A. Golubov

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Abstract: Сritical temperatures of multilayer structures of the superconductor/ferromagnet/ferromagnet (S/F/F) type are obtained using the matrix method for solving the linearized Usadel equations. The influence of an additional superconductor layer on the effects of a three-layer spin valve is considered. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the spin valve modes with an additional superconducting layer S in the place of the layer N is discussed in comparison with an additional normal layer in the S/F/N/F structure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1535-1538
Number of pages4
JournalPhysics of the Solid State
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2019


  • critical temperature
  • ferromagnetism
  • proximity effect
  • spin valve
  • superconductivity
  • 22/4 OA procedure


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