Quantification of the In fluence of anisotropic plastic yielding on cold rolling force

L. J.M. Jacobs*, E. H. Atzema, J. Moerman, M. B. de Rooij

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Anisotropic mechanical properties in sheet material are of high importance, in particular for material to be used in stamping or deep drawing applications. The cold rolling process has a marked influence on the degree of anisotropy in the final product. However, the influence of material anisotropy on the cold rolling process itself has so far not been rigorously investigated. In this work, the degree of normal anisotropy is determined for two low-carbon steel grades after various degree of cold rolling reduction, both by X-ray diffraction as well as by tensile testing. The experimental work shows that material with high cold rolling reduction has non-negligible anisotropic properties; as a consequence the rolling force is seriously overestimated by cold rolling models with an isotropic yield criterion. It is therefore proposed to use the Hill48 yield criterion (instead of the von Mises criterion) in cold rolling models, this criterion takes anisotropic material behaviour into account. A comparison of cold rolling experiments with model predictions confirms that including the Hill48 yield criterion significantly improves the accuracy of a cold rolling model.

Original languageEnglish
Article number118055
JournalJournal of materials processing technology
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • Anisotropic Yielding Behaviour
  • Cold Rolling
  • Lankford Parameter
  • Low-Carbon Steel
  • Rolling Models
  • UT-Hybrid-D


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