Rare-earth-ion-doped lasers integrated on a silicon chip

Markus Pollnau, Edward Bernhardi, J. Bradley, R.M. de Ridder, Kerstin Worhoff, J. Yang, Mart Diemeer, A. Driessen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


    Future integrated photonic circuits will utilize hybrid integration of optical materials with different functionalities, among them optical gain. We have developed two rare-earth-ion-activated materials which can be directly deposited on any passive material platform, among others on silicon wafers. In a Nd-complex-doped fluorinated polymer, we demonstrated the first-ever continuous-wave solid polymer laser, operating at 1062 nm and 878 nm. In amorphous Al2O3, we demonstrated an Er-doped, widely wavelength-selective microring laser that operates across the telecom C-band. Employing Bragg gratings lithographically inscribed into channel waveguides, we obtained cavities with a Q-factor of >10e6. With such grating reflectors, we achieved a free-running 1542-nm distributed-feedback laser with an ultra-narrow linewidth of 1.7 kHz, equaling a coherence length of 55 km and a Q-factor of 1.14x10e11. With a distributed-Bragg-grating cavity, we obtained an Yb-doped laser at 1021 nm with 47 mW output power and 67% slope efficiency, which may enable linewidths below 100 Hz.
    Original languageUndefined
    Title of host publicationJoint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society
    Place of PublicationBasel
    PublisherSwiss Physical Society
    PagesPaper 214
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)not assigned
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2011
    EventJoint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society 2011: Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society - EPF, Lausanne, Switzerland
    Duration: 15 Jun 201117 Jun 2011

    Publication series

    NameBulletin SPG / SSP
    PublisherSwiss Physical Society


    ConferenceJoint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society and the Austrian Physical Society 2011
    Internet address


    • METIS-277672
    • EWI-20248
    • IOMS-APD: Active Photonic Devices
    • IR-77566

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