Recent Advances in MercuryDPM

Anthony R. Thornton*, Timo Plath, Igor Ostanin, Holger Götz, Jan Willem Bisschop, Mohamed Hassan, Raïsa Roeplal, Xiuqi Wang, Sahar Pourandi, Thomas Weinhart

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In this paper we introduce the open-source code MercuryDPM: a code for simulating discrete particles. The paper discusses software and management issues that may be interesting for the developers of other open-source codes. Then we review the new features that have been added since the last publication: an improved Hertz-Mindlin model; a new liquid bridge model of Lian and Seville; a droplet-spray model; better support for re-creating complex, measured particle size distributions; a new implementation of rigid clumps; an implementation of elastic membranes; a wear model for walls; a soft-kill feature and a cloud-deployment interface for AWS.

Original languageEnglish
Article number13
JournalMathematics in Computer Science
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023


  • (Wet) Granular Materials
  • Cloud compung
  • DEM
  • DPM
  • MercuryDPM
  • open-source
  • UT-Hybrid-D


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