Reconstructions of the Ge(0 0 1) surface

Henricus J.W. Zandvliet, G.P.M. Poppe, Christianus M.J. Wijers, Arend van Silfhout

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We have performed dipole calculations of energies of the Ge(0 0 1) surface to compare the ground states of b(2 × 1), c(4 × 2), p(2 × 2) and p(4 × 1) symmetry dimer reconstructions. We have found that p(2 × 2) is the lowest energy reconstruction at zero temperature.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)63-64
Number of pages2
JournalSolid state communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1989


  • IR-70560


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