Refinement of SDBC Business Process Models Using ISDL

Boris Shishkov, Dick Quartel

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

    6 Citations (Scopus)
    181 Downloads (Pure)


    Aiming at aligning business process modeling and software specification, the SDBC approach considers a multi-viewpoint modeling where static, dynamic, and data business process aspect models have to be mapped adequately to corresponding static, dynamic, and data software specification aspect models. Next to that, the approach considers also a business process modeling viewpoint which concerns real-life communication and coordination issues, such as meanings, intentions, negotiations, commitments, and obligations. Hence, in order to adequately align communication and dynamic aspect models, SDBC should use at least two modeling techniques. However, the transformation between two techniques unnecessarily complicates the modeling process. Next to that, different techniques use different modeling formalisms whose reflection sometimes causes limitations. For this reason, we explore in the current paper the value which the (modeling) language ISDL could bring to SDBC in the alignment of communication and behavioral (dynamic) business process aspect models; ISDL can usefully refine dynamic process models. Thus, it is feasible to expect that ISDL can complement the SDBC approach, allowing refinement of dynamic business process aspect models, by adding communication and coordination actions. Furthermore, SDBC could benefit from ISDL-related methods assessing whether a realized refinement conforms to the original process model. Our studies in the paper are supported by an illustrative example.
    Original languageUndefined
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
    EditorsY. Manolopoulos, J. Filipe, P. Constantopoulos, J. Cordeiro
    Place of PublicationSetubal, Portugal
    PublisherICEIS Press
    Number of pages9
    ISBN (Print)972-8865-41-4
    Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2006
    Event8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2006 - Paphos, Cyprus
    Duration: 23 May 200627 May 2006
    Conference number: 8

    Publication series

    PublisherICEIS Press


    Conference8th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2006
    Abbreviated titleICEIS
    Internet address


    • EWI-7553
    • METIS-238234
    • IR-66516

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