Reflection-based Optical Fiber Strain Sensor Using Polarization Maintaining and Thin Core Fibers

D. Jauregui-Vazquez, J.P. Korterik, H. L. Offerhaus, J.M. Sierra-Hernandez, J.A. Alvarez-Chavez*

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A strain fiber optic sensor is proposed and experimentally demonstrated in this letter. The sensor operates in reflection mode, and its assembly relies on a single splice point between a thin core fiber and polarization-maintaining fiber. The system offers competitive sensitivities of 14.68 and 6.9 pm/με, determined by the PM-fiber length. In addition, the one-way ANOVA analysis indicates a minimal error (MSE=0.34) and low probability of measurement overlap (Prob>F= 5.59882x10 -85 ). The fabrication, the sensor dimensions, and the statistical analysis make the proposed sensor an attractive alternative for monitoring strain.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1199-1202
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE photonics technology letters
Issue number21
Early online date14 Sept 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2022


  • 22/3 OA procedure
  • interferometric all fiber-optic device
  • Strain fiber optic sensor
  • polarization maintaining fiber


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