Renewable Fuels from Integrated Power- and Biomass-to-X Processes: A Superstructure Optimization Study

Philipp Kenkel*, Timo Wassermann, Edwin Zondervan

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This work presents a superstructure optimization study for the production of renewable fuels with a focus on jet fuel. Power-to-X via the methanol (MTJ) and Fischer–Tropsch (FT) route is combined with Biomass-to-X (BtX) via an algae-based biorefinery to an integrated Power- and Biomass-to-X (PBtX) process. Possible integration by algae remnant utilization for H2/CO2 production, wastewater recycling and heat integration is included. Modeling is performed using the novel Open sUperstrucTure moDeling and OptimizatiOn fRamework (OUTDOOR). Novel methods to account for advanced mass balances and uncertain input data are included. Economic optimization proposes a PBtX process. This process combines algae processing with MTJ and depicts a highly mass- and energy integrated plant. It produces fuels at 211 EUR/MWhLHV (ca. 2530 EUR/t), a cost reduction of 21% to 11.5% compared to stand-alone electricity- or bio-based production at algae costs of 25 EUR/tAlgae-sludge and electricity costs of 72 EUR/MWh. Investigation of uncertain data indicates that a combination of BtX and MTJ is economically superior to FT for a wide parameter range. Only for high algae costs of >40 EUR/tAlgae-sludge stand-alone electricity-based MTJ is economically superior and for high MTJ costs above 2000–2400 EUR/tJet FT is the optimal option.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1298
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2022


  • algae biorefinery
  • Power-to-X
  • python
  • renewable fuels
  • superstructure optimization


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