Replication molds having nanometer-scale shape control fabricated by means of oxidation and etching

G.M. Kim, Alexeij Y. Kovalgin, J. Holleman, J.P. Brugger

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A means of accurate control of the curvature radius of molds that are used in nanostructure replication techniques is presented. The local non-uniform growth of SiO2 at regions with high curvature is used to fabricate molds with a curvature radius ranging anywhere between 10 and 250 nm. The mold radius is predicted by numerical simulation as a function of oxidation tempera- ture and time and con
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-59
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of nanoscience and nanotechnology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2002


  • EWI-15577
  • METIS-210018
  • Soft Lithography
  • IR-67752
  • Nanoprobe
  • Nanomold
  • EPON SU-8
  • Oxidation Sharpening
  • Replication


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