Report on the IFIP WG5.8 International Workshop on Enterprise Interoperability (IWEI 2008)

Marten J. van Sinderen, P. Johnson, L. Kutvonen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademic

    1 Citation (Scopus)
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    Enterprise interoperability is a growing research topic, rooted in various sub-disciplines from computer science and business management. Enterprise interoperability addresses intra- and inter-organizational collaboration and is characterized by the objective of aligning business level and technology level solutions and reconciling viewpoints of the different stakeholders. Enterprise interoperability comprises issues which are not yet well-understood and an overall framework for dealing with these issues is still lacking. On the other hand, enterprise interoperability is an essential property of organizations to have successful business operations in the globalized market. We believe that the IWEI workshop provides a useful forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss enterprise interoperability solutions and challenges, and, in collaboration with IFIP WG5.8, to address the identified challenges in future work. This article provides a report on the results of the first IWEI workshop (IWEI 2008).
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)112-114
    Number of pages3
    JournalSIGMOD record
    Issue number3/4
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2008


    • SCS-Services
    • METIS-256472
    • EWI-15216
    • IR-62782

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