Research-based Learning for Skill Development of Engineering Graduates: An empirical study

Rajni Singh, Devika, Christoph Herrmann, Sebastian Thiede, Kuldip Singh Sangwan*

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articleAcademicpeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)
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The engineering graduates should have interdisciplinary knowledge in addition to theoretical knowledge to survive in dynamic industrial environment. Literature reveals that Indian engineering graduates need to develop problem solving, solution development, social skills in engineering graduates. Research-based learning (RBL), one of the outcome-based learning techniques, closes the gap between theory and application. It involves the learner to design, experience and reflect the entire process of learning. Inquiry forms one of the important elements of RBL which also develops creativity and discovering new techniques breaking the monotonous process for solution development. The present study conducted an empirical analysis to examine the role of RBL in skill development of engineering graduates. The participants are the recent graduates of Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Pilani campus and those who had done thesis/dissertation. Thesis/dissertation involves the learner in research process such as problem identification, hypothesis formulation, design, data collection and analysis, interpretation, critical review, etc. An online survey questionnaire has been used to assess the skills. The results demonstrated that the use of RBL develops and enhances problem solving, domain knowledge, language and communication, communication & information technology, general learning, academic knowledge, attitude, ethics skills. It is also opined that use of RBL and activities will foster to reduce the gap between the skills required in the industry and learned at the university. Thus, it is important to integrate the RBL in engineering curricula to provide exposure and develop required skills.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)323-329
JournalProcedia manufacturing
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes
Event9th Conference on Learning Factories, CLF 2019 - TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany
Duration: 26 Mar 201928 Mar 2019
Conference number: 9


  • Skills
  • Problem solving
  • Academic knowledge
  • RBL
  • Thesis/dissertation
  • Engineering graduates


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