Resonant Turbulence applied to a Low Swirl Burner

A.A. Verbeek, R.C. Pos, G.G.M. Stoffels, Th.H. van der Meer

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Is it possible to optimize the turbulent combustion of a low swirl burner by using resonance in turbulence? To answer that question an active grid with periodically opening and closing holes is constructed and placed upstream of a burner geometry. The presence of this grid introduces large scale turbulent fluctuations to the flow with frequencies related to the driving frequency of the active grid. It is investigated what the optimum frequency is to excite the flow to obtain enhanced turbulence. First results show a response maximum of the eddy dissipation rate when the frequency of the introduced turbulent fluctuations is close to the inverse of the large eddy turn over time, which is also predicted by several numerical and experimental studies.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event5th European Combustion Meeting, ECM 2011 - Cardiff, United Kingdom
Duration: 28 Jun 20112 Jul 2011
Conference number: 5


Conference5th European Combustion Meeting, ECM 2011
Abbreviated titleECM
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • IR-77728


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