Resource Selection for Federated Search on the Web

Dong Nguyen, Thomas Demeester, Dolf Trieschnigg, Djoerd Hiemstra

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A publicly available dataset for federated search reflecting a real web environment has long been bsent, making it difficult for researchers to test the validity of their federated search algorithms for the web setting. We present several experiments and analyses on resource selection on the web using a recently released test collection containing the results from more than a hundred real search engines, ranging from large general web search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo to small domain-specific engines. First, we experiment with estimating the size of uncooperative search engines on the web using query based sampling and propose a new method using the ClueWeb09 dataset. We find the size estimates to be highly effective in resource selection. Second, we show that an optimized federated search system based on smaller web search engines can be an alternative to a system using large web search engines. Third, we provide an empirical comparison of several popular resource selection methods and find that these methods are not readily suitable for resource selection on the web. Challenges include the sparse resource descriptions and extremely skewed sizes of collections.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEnschede, The Netherlands
PublisherCentre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT)
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2016

Publication series

NameCTIT Technical Report Series
PublisherUniversity of Twente, Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT)
ISSN (Print)1381-3625


  • CR-H.3.3


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