Robust shape control in a sendzimir cold-rolling steel mill

D.G. Bates, J.V. Ringwood, A.M. Holohan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademic

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    The shape control problem for a Sendzimir 20-roll cold rolling steel mill is characterised by operation over a wide range of conditions arising from roll changes, changes in rolling schedules and changes in material gauge, width and hardness. Previous approaches to the problem suggest storing a large number of precompensator matrices to cater for the full range of operating conditions. This paper, on the other hand, attempts to synthesise a controller which is optimally robust to changes in the conditions associated with the rolling cluster, resulting in a reduced storage requirement for the controlling computer. The performance of the robust controller is evaluated via nonlinear simulation.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)1647-1652
    JournalControl engineering practice
    Issue number12
    Publication statusPublished - 1997


    • gain scheduling
    • IR-57200
    • Steel manufacture
    • shape control
    • Robust control

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