Robustness of multi-mode control using tuned mass dampers for seismically excited structures

Deepika Gill, Said Elias*, Andreas Steinbrecher, Christian Schröder, Vasant Matsagar

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36 Citations (Scopus)


Robustness in multi-mode control of structures using tuned mass dampers (TMDs) is presented under seismic excitations. The robustness of the distributed multiple TMDs, i.e. d-MTMDs is compared with single TMD (STMD) and with multiple TMDs all installed at the top of the building ( A 20-storey steel benchmark building subjected to earthquake ground motion is modeled, wherein stiffness and damping are considered with uncertainty in order to investigate the robustness of the STMD,, and d-MTMDs. The d-MTMDs are distributed along the height of the building according to the mode shapes of the controlled and uncontrolled building. Monte-Carlo simulation is used to generate the uncertain stiffness and damping matrices of the 20-storey benchmark building. Parameters of the STMD,, and d-MTMDs are optimized for each set of structural stiffness and damping matrices, and the probability distribution of the objective function is evaluated. The optimized parameters (mass ratio and damping ratio) are selected corresponding to the robust interval of the objective function calculated using the probability distribution. The results show that d-MTMDs perform satisfactorily even in the presence of the considered uncertainties and their performance is superior to that of the STMD and in seismic response control of the structures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5579-5603
Number of pages25
JournalBulletin of Earthquake Engineering
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Benchmark building
  • d-MTMDs
  • Monte-Carlo simulation
  • Robust optimum design
  • Uncertainty


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