Research output: Book/ReportBookProfessional


This book provides a visual guide for the Safety Cube Method (SCM) through a step by step process. The need for a visual guide has been apparent because SCM has twenty-seven different elements and generates nine various views. These number of features and perspectives can make it a complicated concept to

Next to the explanatory visuals, the complementary text supports a quick grasp of the basic definitions, concepts, and views. This easy to read document animates the construction of SCM. The reader can browse through the pages, enjoy the graphics, and quickly learn it. Several exercises are present through this guide so that the reader can build his/her cube.

Furthermore, semi-transparent views facilitate the understanding of the three-dimensional perspectives that SCM can generate. For example, the book visualises how SCM generates the past, future or environmental perspectives.

This visual guide eff effectively communicates the concept of the SCM. Next to that, I hope that it will stimulate a joyful experience for the reader.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherBrave New Books
Number of pages66
ISBN (Print)9789464183108
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2020


  • Safety
  • Cube
  • Method
  • Visual
  • Guide


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