Salespersons’ missing perspective on customer participation behavior in value co-creation: An exploratory study

Patrick Weretecki, Goetz Greve, Jörg Henseler

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review


Understanding how the personal interaction between customers and salespersons influences value creation is important for any business. From research it is known that customers’ participation is essential for successful value co-creation. Whereas research has already surveyed the perspective of the customers’ self assessment, little is known about the salespersons perception of customers’ participation behavior. Thus, the goal of this study is to provide insights into the customer participation behavior from the salesperson perspective. Our results indicate that customer participation behavior is depended on the salespersons’ behavior. Thus, the assessment of customer participation from the salesperson perspective cannot be neglected. Our results suggest that different components and attributes must be added to the common view of customer participation behavior. These findings point to a set of interactional skills, salespeople need to develop and apply in personal interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication47th EMAC Annual Conference
Publication statusPublished - 29 May 2018
Event47th EMAC Annual Conference - University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 29 May 20181 Jun 2018
Conference number: 47


Conference47th EMAC Annual Conference
Abbreviated titleEMAC 2018
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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