Sampling device for in vivo sampling of liquids from the gastrointestinal tract, process for the production thereof and mould or mask for use in the production process

A.J. Sprenkels (Inventor), Antonius J.S.M. Jenneboer (Inventor), Konraad Venema (Inventor), Albert van den Berg (Inventor), Willem M. de Vos (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    The present invention relates to a sampling device suitable for in vivo sampling of liquid(s) from the gastro-intestinal tract, comprising a body, the body comprising a channel and an opening for entrance of the liquid(s) at one end of the channel, and a cover bonded to at least part of the body and arranged such that the channel in the body is at least partially covered by the cover, the channel having a length of 2 mm-25 m and a perimeter of 2.4-8600 mum, the channel further comprising one or more side compartments, and the channel with the optional one or more side compartments having a volume of 5 nl-4500 mul.
    Original languageUndefined
    Patent numberUS20060562175
    Priority date12/07/07
    Publication statusSubmitted - 21 Nov 2006


    • METIS-247689
    • EWI-9112
    • IR-63920

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