Sampling from a system-theoretic viewpoint: Part I - Concepts and tools

Gjerrit Meinsma, Leonid Mirkin

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    This paper is first in a series of papers studying a system-theoretic approach to the problem of reconstructing an analog signal from its samples. The idea, borrowed from earlier treatments in the control literature, is to address the problem as a hybrid model-matching problem in which performance is measured by system norms. In this paper we present the paradigm and revise underlying technical tools, such as the lifting technique and some topics of the operator theory. This material facilitates a systematic and unified treatment of a wide range of sampling and reconstruction problems, recovering many hitherto considered different solutions and leading to new results. Some of these applications are discussed in the second part.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)3578-3590
    Number of pages13
    JournalIEEE transactions on signal processing
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2010


    • Lifting
    • Sampling and reconstruction
    • Signal modeling
    • Stability
    • Causality
    • EWI-18609
    • METIS-277434
    • IR-73704
    • System norms

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