Sand motion induced by oscillatory flows: sheet flow and vortex ripples

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Shoaling short gravity waves at sea approaching the shore become asymmetric and are able to generate a net resulting sand transport in cross-shore direction (on-shore-offshore transport). The wave-related sand transport is still very difficult to predict due to the complexity of its underlying processes, which mainly take place in a thin layer near the sea bed in the wave boundary layer (thickness of order centimeters). The development of models for cross-shore sand transport heavily relies on experimental lab research, especially as taking place in large oscillating water tunnels (see, e.g., Nielsen, 1992). In oscillating water tunnels the near-bed horizontal orbital velocity, as induced by short gravity waves, can be simulated above fixed or mobile sandy beds (for a detailed description, see, e.g., Ribberink and Al-Salem, 1994). It should be realized that the vertical orbital flow and relatively small wave-induced residual flows as streaming and drift are not reproduced in flow tunnels. Research aimed at their contribution to the net sediment motion under surface waves is still ongoing (see Ribberink et al., 2000).

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationParticle-Laden Flow
Subtitle of host publicationFrom Geophysical to Kolmogorov Scales
EditorsBernard J. Geurts, Herman Clercx, Wim Uijttewaal
Place of PublicationDordrecht, The Netherlands
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4020-6218-6
ISBN (Print)978-1-4020-6217-9
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2007
EventEUROMECH Colloquium 477: Particle-Laden Flow: From Geophysical to Kolmogorov Scales, 21-23 June 2006 Enschede, The Netherlands - Enschede, Netherlands
Duration: 21 Jun 200623 Jun 2006

Publication series

ISSN (Print)1382-4309


ConferenceEUROMECH Colloquium 477


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