School characteristics influencing the implementation of a data-based decision making intervention

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There is an increasing global emphasis on using data for decision making, with a growing body of research on interventions aimed at implementing and sustaining data-based decision making (DBDM) in schools. Yet, little is known about the school features that facilitate or hinder the implementation of DBDM. Based on a literature review, the authors identified 12 potentially critical factors for the successful implementation of DBDM. Following an intensive DBDM intervention, 16 schools’ characteristics were studied and related to the success of DBDM implementation after participating in an intensive DBDM intervention for 2 subsequent academic years. Strong instructional leadership, maximum exposure to the intervention, standardization of work processes, as well as staff continuity and a strong academic coach appear to be strongly related to implementation success. The remaining school context features and the culture and structure of the schools were not associated with the success of DBDM implementation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)443-462
JournalSchool effectiveness and school improvement
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Data use
  • Data-based decision making
  • Educational reform
  • Intervention


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