Sequestration of Am3+ and Eu3+ into ionic liquid containing Aza-macrocycle based multiple-diglycolamide ligands: Extraction, complexation, luminescence and DFT studies

Parveen K. Verma, Rajesh B. Gujar, Seraj A. Ansari, Sk Musharaf Ali*, Richard J. M. Egberink, Jurriaan Huskens, Willem Verboom, Prasanta K. Mohapatra

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Extraction of Am3+ and Eu3+ was carried out into a room temperature ionic liquid, C8mim⋅Tf2N, using two multiple-diglycolamide extractants with three or four diglycolamide arms tethered to either a triaza- or tetraazamacrocyclic ligand termed as TAM-3-DGA and TAM-4-DGA, respectively. The metal ion extraction was highly efficient as only 5 × 10-4 M solutions of TAM-3-DGA resulted in D values of 680 and 845 for Am3+ and Eu3+, respectively, at pH 2.0, while the respective values with a five times lower concentration of TAM-4-DGA were 142 and 296, which is probably the best reported thus far. Though Eu3+ ion was preferentially extracted over Am3+, the selectivity was not as good as reported in molecular diluent-based extraction systems. The extracted species contained two units of the extractant and did not contain any nitrate ion suggesting a cation-exchange mechanism. Studies on the temperature effect on metal ion extraction were carried out to determine the thermodynamic parameters. Luminescence studies of the extracts were also performed which suggested strong complex formation with no inner-sphere water molecules. To understand the ligand coordination to Eu3+ and Am3+ and other bonding parameters, DFT studies were carried out.

Original languageEnglish
Article number118291
JournalJournal of molecular liquids
Early online date17 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2022


  • 2022 OA procedure
  • Diglycolamides
  • Ionic liquid: Luminescence
  • Radioactive waste
  • Separation
  • Actinides


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