Share and succeed: the development of knowledge sharing and brokerage in data teams’ network structures

Mireille D. Hubers (Corresponding Author), Nienke Moolenaar, Kim Schildkamp, Alan J. Daly, Adam Handelzalts, Jules M. Pieters

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The data team intervention was designed to support Dutch secondary schools in using data while developing a solution to an educational problem. A data team can build school-wide capacity for data use through knowledge sharing among data team members, and knowledge brokerage between the team and other colleagues. The goal of this mixed-methods study is to understand how knowledge sharing and brokerage regarding data use and an educational problem changed over time. Social network data were collected twice at eight schools. These data were used to analyse (1) how well team members were connected with each other (density), (2) whether team members’ relationships were mutual (reciprocity) and (3) whether all team members were equally important for the data team network (centralisation). Moreover, different types of knowledge brokering (inward, outward and forward) were examined to further understand knowledge exchange between data team members and their colleagues. Qualitative data were analysed to triangulate these findings for four particular cases. Among other things, findings illustrated that while knowledge sharing and knowledge brokerage both changed over time, there were considerable differences between teams in the extent and direction of change. It appeared that the dissemination of knowledge within the organisation requires more explicit attention.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)216-238
Number of pages23
JournalResearch papers in education
Issue number2
Early online date16 Feb 2017
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2018


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