Simulation of ultrasonic imaging with linear arrays in causal absorptive media

Arthur P. Berkhoff, J.M. Thijssen, R.J.F. Homan

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    Rigorous and efficient numerical methods are presented for simulation of acoustic propagation in a medium where the absorption is described by relaxation processes. It is shown how FFT-based algorithms can be used to simulate ultrasound images in pulse-echo mode. General expressions are obtained for the complex wavenumber in a relaxing medium. A fit to measurements in biological media shows the appropriateness of the model. The wavenumber is applied to three FFT-based extrapolation operators, which are implemented in a weak form to reduce spatial aliasing. The influence of the absorptive medium on the quality of images obtained with a linear array transducer is demonstrated. It is shown that, for moderately absorbing media, the absorption has a large influence on the images, whereas the dispersion has a negligible effect on the images.
    Original languageUndefined
    Article number10.1016/0301-5629(95)02034-9
    Pages (from-to)245-259
    Number of pages15
    JournalUltrasound in medicine and biology
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1996


    • IR-64776
    • EWI-12785
    • Plane-wave expansion
    • Wavefield extrapolation
    • Ultrasound simulation
    • Linear array
    • Causal absorptive media
    • Image quality
    • Dispersion

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