Small-number statistics near the clustering transition in a compartementalized granular gas

René Mikkelsen, Ko van der Weele, Devaraj van der Meer, Martin van Hecke, Detlef Lohse

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Statistical fluctuations are observed to profoundly influence the clustering behavior of granular material in a vibrated system consisting of two connected compartments. When the number of particles N is sufficiently large sN<300 is sufficientd, the clustering follows the lines of a standard second-order phase transition and a mean-field description works. For smaller N, however, the enhanced influence of statistical fluctuations breaks the mean-field behavior. We quantitatively describe the competition between fluctuations and mean-field behavior sas a function of Nd using a dynamical flux model and molecular dynamics simulations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number041302
Number of pages12
JournalPhysical review E: Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • METIS-227780
  • IR-54107


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