Socio-technical alignment of community energy storage

Binod Prasad Koirala, Ellen van Oost, Henny J. Van der Windt

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractAcademic

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    Energy Storage technologies are going through great deal of public discourse, networking and experimentation.
    The decreasing cost of energy storage and increasing demand for local flexibility is opening
    up new possibilities for energy storage technologies deployment in community energy systems. In this
    context, community energy storage can help to better integrate the heat and electricity system at the local
    level and can positively contribute towards energy transitions while accommodating the needs and
    expectations of citizens and local communities. Yet, there are technological, societal and systemic challenges
    of integrating energy storage technologies in the largely centralized present energy system which
    demands for socio-technical innovation. This article aims to align technical, demand, regulatory and political
    articulation of new energy storage technologies with potential of application in community level
    such as DrTen and ECOVAT . In this regard, a number of tools has been applied such as socio-technical
    configuration, socio-technical scenarios, multi-path mapping. Community energy storage necessitates
    not only technical innovation but also social innovation for its wider adoption. Socio-technical alignment
    is crucial to show how the technology works, to validate the business model, actors collaboration,
    as well to improve the public perception and acceptance regarding the community energy storage.
    Keywords— energy transition, community energy storage, responsible innovation, energy system inegration
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019
    EventInternational conference on New Pathways for Community Energy and Storage - Energy Academy Building, Groningen, Netherlands
    Duration: 6 Jun 20197 Jun 2019


    ConferenceInternational conference on New Pathways for Community Energy and Storage


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