Solid–liquid–gas-like phase transition in electric field driven dense granular media

Zhao Zhang, Yongjun Wang, Ignaas S.M. Jimidar, Xiaoyan Ye

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The polarization induced by an external electric field significantly influences the contact charge of particles. It can easily cause solid–liquid–gas-like phase transitions in dense granular media, which are the key factors leading to environmental and safety disasters such as sandstorms, volcanic eruptions, and spacecraft emergencies. In this letter, our investigation focused on a densely packed granular system with different thicknesses subjected to bottom excitation and an external electric field. Using the discrete element method (DEM), we proposed conditions for the first- and second-order phase transitions and revealed the mechanism of electrical signal transformation. We presented the physical characteristics of charge and polarization diffusion coefficients for charged particles, and introduced a theoretical Turing model to predict critical phase transitions. Additionally, this phase transition model was extended to the application of electrostatic dust removal, quantitatively predicting the relationship between dust removal efficiency, particle layer thickness, and electric field intensity.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104907
JournalInternational journal of multiphase flow
Early online date26 Jun 2024
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


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