Source localization using acoustic vector sensors: a music approach

Jelmer Wind, Emiel Tijs, H.E. de Bree

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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Traditionally, a large array of microphones is used to localize multiple far field sources in acoustics. We present a sound source localization technique that requires far less channels and measurement locations (affecting data channels, setup times and cabling issues). This is achieved by using an acoustic vector sensor (AVS) in air that consists of four collocated sensors: three orthogonally placed acoustic particle velocity sensors and an omnidirectional sound pressure transducer. Experimental evidence is presented demonstrating that a single 4 channel AVS based approach accurately localizes two uncorrelated sources. The method is extended to multiple AVS, increasing the number of sources that can be identified. Theory and measurement results are presented. Attention is paid to the theoretical possibilities and limitations of this approach, as well as the signal processing techniques based on the MUSIC method.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNoise and Vibration: Emerging Methods
Place of PublicationSouthampton
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2009
EventNovem2009: Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods - Southampton
Duration: 5 Apr 20098 Apr 2009

Publication series

PublisherInstitute of Sound and Vibration Research, ISVR




  • IR-75423
  • METIS-272128


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