Space Robotics: an Experimental Set-up based on RTAI-Linux

A. Macchelli, C. Melchiorri, Raffaella Carloni, M. Guidetti

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    In space application, it is of great interest the development of autonomous or semi-autonomous robotic devices that can substitute the astronauts in routine operations in order to free them from repetitive tasks and reduce mission costs. In this work, an experimental setup based on a 6 degrees of freedom (dof) manipulator with a 3 dof gripper designed for a possible application within PaT, the Payload Tutor proposed by ASI (Italian Space Agency), is presented. This system consists of a robotic arm, a vision system, and a gripper. Since the gripper has to interact with free-floating and irregular objects, the vision subsystem provides all the information needed for grasping unknown objects in an optimal way.
    Original languageUndefined
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2002
    Event4th Real-Time Linux Workshop - Boston, USA
    Duration: 6 Dec 20027 Dec 2002


    Workshop4th Real-Time Linux Workshop
    Other6-7 Dec 2002


    • IR-77496
    • CE-Advanced Robotics
    • EWI-20234

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