Special issue: Laborious Transformations: Plants and Politics at the Bogor Botanical Gardens

Andreas Weber (Editor), Robert-Jan Wille (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to journalSpecial issueAcademicpeer-review


    This special issue brings together the following essays:

    1. Laborious Transformations: Plants and Politics at the Bogor Botanical Gardens by Andreas Weber and Robert-Jan Wille (=introduction)
    2. A Garden as a Niche: Botany and Imperial Politics in the Early Nineteenth century Dutch Empire by Andreas Weber (essay 1)
    3. From laboratory lichens to colonial symbiosis. Melchior Treub bringing German evolutionary plant embryology to the Dutch Empire, 1880-1909 by Robert-Jan Wille (essay 2)
    4. Reinventing the Kebun Raya in the New Republic: Scientific Research at the Bogor Botanical Gardens in the Age of Decolonization by Andrew Goss (essay 3)
    5. Butterflies in the Gardens: the fate of Van Groenendael's collection by EULÀLIA GASSÓ MIRACLE (essay 4)
    Original languageEnglish
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • History of science
    • Science and empire
    • Botanical gardens
    • History of botany
    • Dutch colonialism


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